Analytics Academy er en vidensplatform fyldt med inspiration og vigtig viden. Det er vores ønske og målsætning, at du bliver klogere på, hvordan du kan bruge data og analyseværktøjer til at drive en endnu bedre forretning i morgen ved at se eller læse vores indhold i dag.
Det er vores team af dygtige og kompetente analytikere, som hver måned står bag indsigterne og indholdet. Nogle gange er det i form af video – andre gange i form af artikler, analyser, podcast eller andet.
Med Experian Analytics Academy bliver du klogere på forskellige emner, som fx kreditscore, syntetisk data, transaktionelle data, IFRS9 / SICR frameworks, ESG-scores og mange flere. De enkelte videoer tager alt fra tre til fem minutter.
Vores analytikere sørger for en hurtig indflyvning til det enkelte emne, så det både er spændende, let at gå til og let at komme igennem. Du kan vælge at se én episode eller dem alle – det er op til dig.
Episoderne vil blive promoveret i løbet af de næste par måneder – så følg med og sørg for at tilmelde dig vores nyhedsbrev, hvor vi løbende vil give besked om nye afsnit og episoder.
Vi håber, at episoderne giver værdi og indsigt i dit daglige arbejde. Tøv endelig ikke med at kontakte os, hvis du ønsker at høre mere om ét eller flere af emnerne.
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Mød vores Analytics-team, som står bag videoerne
Julie Berg, Analyst
As an Analyst part of the Nordic Analytics team, Julie spends her time developing and maintaining predictive models and credit origination strategies, producing market trend analyses and consulting clients on staying compliant with regulatory changes. Following an educational background in finance, Julie has spent the past five years working at Experian. Apart from Analytics problems, she has a fascination for true crime and outside of work hours enjoys travelling, skiing and watching good (and bad) movies. |
Christopher Kadow, Data Modeler
Christopher Kadow handles the more technical aspects of data analysis and manipulation. Given his background in advanced statistics and mathematical modelling, he knows his way around the many applications of data for credit risk modelling and predictions. Before joining Experian, Christopher was a student at the Technical University of Denmark graduating with a Master of Science in Engineering with focus on applied mathematics. Besides working with data, he plays the guitar and is an avid basketball watcher (and player when his legs cooperate). |
Buse Hanci, Analytics Consultant
Buse Hanci is an Analytics Consultant covering the Nordics at Experian an working from the Copenhagen office. She has been working for more than 11 years in regulatory analytics and financial risk management and worked in many predictive modeling and regulatory framework projects from scorecard developments to IRB and IFRS 9 assessments and more.
Before joining Experian, Buse was working at Yapi Kredi Bank in Turkey for 3 years and 4 years at PwC Turkey in different expert and manager roles in the financial risk management field. By profession she is an Industrial Engineer with a Master Degree of Economics. She likes travelling, meeting with new people and new cultures and following Formula 1. She is a big fan of Charles Leclerc.
Szabolcs Hideg, Head of Analytics
Szabolcs Hideg is heading the Analytics department in the Nordics at Experian and has been working for more than 12 years in credit risk management and related predictive modeling initiatives from scorecard developments to regulatory parameters and more.
Before joining Experian, Szabolcs was working at GE Money Bank in Hungary for 4 years and 7 years at Santander Consumer Bank in the Nordic region in different expert and leadership roles in the same field. By profession he is a Financial Mathematician, outside work he spends most of his time with the family, reads old comic books, watches UFC and never says ‘No‘ to a good burger.
Martin Haraldseth, Data Scientist
Martin Haraldseth is a Data Scientist in the Nordics Analytics Department with a keen interest in applying data and optimization to solve business problems, while ensuring that business logic is maintained. At Experian he spends most of his time on credit risk model development and credit origination strategies. Prior to Experian, he worked with market surveillance at NVE after finalizing his Master of Science in Economics at NTNU. When Martin takes a break from data and analytics, he prefers to be active doing sports or relaxing at home with a good movie.
Gerrit Bekker, Senior Data Scientist
Gerrit Bekker is a Senior Data Scientist based at Experian’s Den Haag offices and focuses on the development and deployment of advanced analytical solutions across Experian’s EMEA operations. Gerrit has been working for 6 years in this role at Experian. Prior to Experian, he worked in data analysis, machine learning and business intelligence within the banking, finance and insurance industries.
He studied Econometrics and Actuarial Sciences and enjoys travelling, gardening and spending time with his family.